Dream (3/19/2018): Dr. Ian Malcolm at the Jurassic Park Drive Thru

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In this dream, Dr. Ian Malcolm, physicist character from the movie Jurassic Park, played by Jeff Goldbum, drove his convertible into the Jurassic Park drive thru.

Jeff Goldblum
(source: Gage Skidmore | Some rights reserved)

“Life will find a way. How may I help you?”, said the voice in the dinosaur-shaped speaker. Dr. Malcolm spoke his order into the microphone and pulled up to the second window.

On a second occasion, Dr. Malcolm pulled through the drive thru, though this time, no prompt came from the dinosaur speaker. He spoke into the mic, asking if anybody was there. His response came in the form of a roar. He pulled his convertible up to the second drive thru window only to find a raptor behind the cash register.

(source: cjelli | Some rights reserved)

Dr. Malcolm peeled out in a hurry.

On a third occasion, the dinosaur speaker chimed: “Life will find a way. How may I help you?” Without first stopping to order, the car pulled up to the second window. It is Dr. Malcolm’s convertible. But in the driver’s seat was not Dr. Malcolm, but instead, a vicious, snarling raptor.

(source: shelmac | Some rights reserved)

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